Traffic 2035, will they survive the fastest intersection on the planet.Traffic 2035, will they survive the fastest intersection on the planet. Three h
Traffic 2035, will they survive the fastest intersection on the planet.
Traffic 2035, will they survive the fastest
intersection on the planet. Three high speed
roads, no stop signs, no traffic lights, no
traffic cop, no round about, no overpasses
no turns NO PROBLEM if you have perfect
timing. Develop the intersection of the
future for the Traffic of 2035 where high
speed traffic is metered through the
intersection by computers.
Unfortunately the timing software for this
project is behind schedule due to budget cuts.
We need someone with exceptional hand eye
coordination or a lot of luck to sequence the
vehicles through the intersection of this
simulation. Start out slow then see how fast
you can make them go. Is your traffic pattern
and speed safe for pedestrian traffic?
Probably not, but “Scooter” the pedestrian
test robot has volunteered to evaluate safety.